



New to CrossFit? No need to worry. In order to start CrossFit, some basic knowledge and skills are required to make sure that you are performing the exercises/movements safely and correctly. This class will teach you the fundamental movements used in CrossFit and ensure each of these movements are both mechanically sound and to standard. You will receive a comprehensive understanding of the CrossFit program. We will introduce and discuss range of motion requirements for the following movements:

~Squats: air squats, front squats, back squats, overhead squats

~Presses: shoulder press, push press, push jerk

~Power movements: deadlift, sumo-deadlift high pull, med ball clean

~Olympic lifts: clean & jerk, snatch

~Gymnastics: pull-up, push-up, sit-up, ring dips, burpees, etc.

~Other common movements: kettlebell swings, thrusters, wall balls, box jumps, jump rope, rowing

Please understand that all movements have modifications and can be adjusted to any fitness level.

This is a 1 on 1 class with one of our CrossFit certified coaches and is scheduled based on your availability.

Class format is as follows:

1. Warm Up/Skill Review

2. New Skill/Movement

3. WOD (Workout of the Day)

4. Cool Down/Nutritional Guidance

A free consultation visit with a coach is available prior to starting the Foundations Course. CrossFit Foundations is 3 one hour long sessions that will gear you up to join the ongoing open classes. Once you have completed these 3 sessions then you will have the follow-on 4 weeks to attend our regular CrossFit open classes.

The cost for this class is $150.

To schedule a 1 on 1 Foundations Course contact or 501-281-2916



These classes are 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 and personally instructed by a qualified CrossFit Cathal coach. The cost is $150/person and includes the first month’s Unlimited Membership. Over three 1 hour sessions you will learn the 9 fundamental CrossFit movements and be introduced to the Olympic Lifts. You will also be instructed on miscellaneous skills and training modalities (Gymnastics movements, Jump Rope, Plyometrics, etc)



Are you an experienced CrossFit athlete or an athlete with a Strength & Conditioning/Powerlifting background? If you have a solid foundation in CrossFit's core movements and practices then you may be able to "Test Out" & jump directly into our Group Classes. We have implemented this process to allow experienced athletes a quick way into the gym while preserving our baseline quality standard required for smooth classes and safe training.

We are looking for a general knowledge of safe practices, mechanical proficiency and consistency, but not necessarily the ability to use heavy weights, blast through a metcon or perform advanced movements. The Test Out includes essential skills that will be covered during our Foundations course, so if it is at all intimidating or unfamiliar then we recommend you trying the Foundations class first.

The list of movements and skills required to pass the Test Out includes:
- Air squat, back squat, front squat, overhead squat
- Hand release push-up
- Burpee
- Strict pull-up, Kipping pull-up (with or without a band)
- Handstand hold against the wall
- Kettelbell swing (Russian or American)
- Deadlift & Sumo deadlift high-pull
- Power Clean
- Push press
- Thruster
- Safely ditching the barbell on a missed lift of: Overhead squat, Front squat & Back squat
- Complete prescribed Test Out WOD to standard.

There are 25 points possible and you must score a 20 out of 25 to pass. The coach will have you warm-up, demonstrate basic mobility and then ask you to perform each of these tasks with minimal correction/cueing. The barbell movements will require proficiency with a bar weighing a minimal of 35-45 lbs.

There are 3 possible outcomes to a Test Out:
1. Pass - The athlete is ready for group classes and can join CrossFit Cathal immediately.
2. Needs Improvement - It is recommended that the athlete complete 1-2 sessions of private coaching.
3. Foundations - It is recommended that the athlete complete the CrossFit Foundations course.

The Test Out may be scheduled during any non-class times. The price is $50 for the half-hour session. Fill out the form below to schedule a Test Out. 
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