When you join CrossFit Cathal, you may be thinking that you’re just joining a gym. You’ll be wrong. Why is CrossFit so expensive? We invest in our members. We invest in our coaches. We invest in our facility. We invest in giving our members an experience. You’re not paying for access to some equipment, half of which you don’t know how to use. You’re paying for a change in lifestyle. You’re paying for a place that, in many cases, can become the social hub of your days. While classes may last 60 minutes, members hang around for twice that time after they finish their workout. It’s a place where others will hold you accountable for your actions. Being part of a community of like-minded people is going to increase your chances of success. The “suffering” is always easier when you have people to join you! Some call it obsession…if it is creating a healthier lifestyle for you, we will take that label any day.
Our program is not for everybody and that is ok. Can anybody do it? If they put their mind to it, grasp the concept and are eager to learn…absolutely. Our style of training requires you to prepare for the long journey by learning the basics. If you don’t take the time to learn the basics, you will fall for every lie and piece of bullshit charlatans advertise. I have always broken things down to simplify the explanation. If your goal was to obtain a 400lb. back squat and you have never back squatted a day in your life, are you going to walk in the gym on day 1 and load 400lbs. on the bar….probably not. America's deadliest sniper started with BRM (Basic Rifle Marksmanship). Nine out of 10 times, the most successful plans are the simplest ones. Squat, press, pull, develop good motor control/movement patterns and condition. If you fail to start with the basics all that will end up happening is frustration and injury. The key is a progressive approach coupled with a solid nutrition program. Stop peddling with bullshit supplements that promise you a beach body in 30 days and make food quality a lifestyle. Stop depending on 6 week exercise DVDs and start training. People who exercise just want to get sweaty; training implies you have a long term plan and a goal. If you are impatient, un-coachable or just have an ego too big to fit through the door then we are not for you. Or better put, you are not for us.
The training done at CFC is precise. It is built on education, progression and creating a foundation. We aren’t claiming to know everything but we have more miles walking a barbell out of a squat rack than most have walking into a gym. We all know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” The same holds true for our program. There is a lot of bullshit out there in the fitness industry and we battle it on a daily basis. Just because a “personal trainer” has a washboard stomach or can “make you sore” doesn’t mean they know what the fuck they are doing….the case is, they are usually clueless. Most have not picked up a book about their profession since they sat down their online study pamphlet used to obtain their CPT license.
What is the price tag for knowledge and expertise, for talented coaches that oversee every workout, focus on your safety and form first, and help to scale movements and weights for your ability, with a constant eye on your movement? Do you value community, a group of friends who share your same enthusiasm for fitness? (And maybe, beer, cheat meals,dogs, family, etc.) This community will be there to cheer you on, no matter what time, score, or weight you put on the barbell each day. They will fist bump you for showing up to train, celebrate your progress, and support you on the rough days in and out of the Box. What is the value of inspiration that is derived from working alongside others who are on the same road to a healthier life? The beauty of setting the example for the younger generation, being their inspiration, and committing to the long-term pursuit of a healthy, fit lifestyle. What price tag would you give that gift?
Most people can't put a price tag on preventive maintenance. The real cost comes when it is too late. The cost of chronic disease is such that U.S. medical expenditure is now about $4 trillion a year. In 2008, Price Waterhouse Cooper estimated that roughly half of all U.S. medical expenditure was wasted on unnecessary procedures, administrative inefficiencies, treatment of preventable conditions and so on. The amount spent on chronic disease is a waste. Medicine has no effective treatment for chronic disease: It is symptomatic only. If you have high cholesterol the doctor gives you a drug to bring your cholesterol down, low bone density, a different drug to raise your bone density. If you have paved-over coronary arteries, they can do bypass surgery. If you become glucose intolerant, the doctor can put you on insulin. But all of these are not fixes. They are masking the problem and all of these CAN be prevented. We hold a unique solution to one of the greatest problems (chronic disease) facing our population today. The CrossFit stimulus, which is constantly varied high-intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar, can give you a pass on chronic disease. It is so simple.
At another stop on the California Invasion: Rally to Fight Big Soda CrossFit Founder and CEO Greg Glassman addressed the "exercise is medicine" initiative. "Exercise is medicine is a sinful, sinful notion," said Glassman. "The toxicity of the product warrants the label, the corruption of the science warrants the label."
We are here to educate people to make better and more informed decisions about health and fitness. We teach how to lift safely and efficiently. We educate members on proper nutrition. We are a vehicle of change that can add 20-40 years to a person’s life. What would you pay to add years to your life? Nix your $5/day Starbucks addiction? Or the two times a month you drop $100 at the bar with your friends?
What are you willing to invest in this place, with your money, with your personality, with your character? This is not someone else's Box, this is your box. This is not someone else's equipment, this is your equipment. This is where you go to train, grow, gain, socialize, relax, struggle, win, sweat, and fight every thought or fiber of your being that says you can't, because you can. We're not your cheapest option in town and for a damn good reason.
"We have 13,000 gyms with 2 to 4 million people safe from chronic disease right now. This community is doing a lot of good things on a lot of fronts. Yet our gyms are thriving not because of our impact on chronic disease. They are thriving because the end users, the customers, are extremely happy with the transformation. And it is part physical, part emotional, part health markers, part relationships."
CrossFit is giving people something that they did not even know they wanted or needed.
Life is a series of choices. Live by them; die by them. It’s your call.