DO I NEED TO DO MORE THAN ONE WORKOUT A DAY IN CROSSFIT?Man…I could dive into this one and talk for a while…maybe I need a podcast…hmmm? Really it depends on what you are training for? That’s why I always say, “Know what you’re training for.” If you are just training to become more fit, lose unwanted body fat, increase strength, power, speed, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance, stamina, cardio respiratory endurance and accuracy, then one workout a day should suffice pending the programming is hitting all of these areas as well as your nutrition being on point. Some people have specific training goals. If you do not have any specific training goals yet then my general advice would be the following. Don't rush things. Remember that you've got decades to play around with, so don't be afraid to take an extra month or so to ease in. You’re not going to stop training tomorrow, right? So why rush it? This is the one time I can tell you to stop being an American. We are impatient about everything and want everything now, now, now. You’re not going to get that in here. This is a long slow road. Training lasts a lifetime. Scale appropriately, take a couple of rest days a week. For almost all beginners one WOD a day will be plenty. If after a couple months you think you can handle more (and you think it would be productive) then give it a go. Take some time to educate yourself. An investment of time right now will pay major dividends. Learn about the fundamental barbell lifts and movements. Ease into olympic lifting and heavy barbell work. Learn to do them right and everything will go better and be safer. Don't skip the strength days! Too many beginners do only intense conditioning workouts and then stall relatively quickly in terms of strength and wonder why. You need to lift heavy things. As long as we are getting a shock and disrupting homeostasis to trigger adaptation then we should experience Gainz.
Yes. I take protein powder, creatine monohydrate, & fish oil. My advice on supplements is to get your nutrition and training on board first. Too many people take the shot gun blast approach and decide they are going to start working out again so the first thing they do is waste their money on supplements. I talked a little bit about this on my Multi-level Marketing write-up. If you really want to know what supplements are best for your training then you need to get serious about your training, desired results and nutrition. Once these are steady, then we can look at how to supplement for improvements.
I used to take a pre-workout supplement. I have experimented with a few of them. N.O. Explode & C4 are the most recent. I have weaned myself off of these due to the fact I did not see or experience any benefit for my training. Sure it got me all tingly and hyped up but that gives you a false sense of hope in my opinion. Warming up properly should get the blood pumping and the nervous system primed right for training. I have told a few people that pre-workout is the gateway to cocaine (insert sarcasm). Your body becomes tolerant so you up the recommended dosage. Next, you are looking for a stronger pre-workout to give you that sensation again because you’ve created a tolerance for the current one. Personally I think you are doing your body more harm than good. My pre-workout usually consists of a scoop of creatine monohydrate washed down with a cup of coffee.
It really depends on who the person is. I usually invite them to grab a barbell and come train with me. I haven’t held my breath. Look, when it comes to CrossFit a lot of people are ignorant to the style of training. I could talk for days on this subject, but what it comes down to is we are training you for a better quality of life. Can you get stronger? Yes. Can you get faster, leaner, more energy? Yes. The list goes on and on. I’ve had individuals who go for quarterly check ups be reduced down to annual check ups. From taking blood pressure meds to coming completely off. Cholesterol meds….off. People losing unwanted body fat, losing inches around the waist, feeling better, looking better…you name it. Great things are happening in here and it did somewhat bother me when I first opened up CrossFit Cathal and I would hear or read negative comments about us/CrossFit, but now it doesn’t bother me. If you know me you know I am not one to sugar coat anything, but before we came to town there weren’t bumper plates, C2 rowers or Rogue racks in local gyms around here and now there are...that’s a good thing. We are imitated all over the globe…duplicated, not a chance. Anything new will always be ridiculed by others, but the matter of the fact is if you are going to be so pessimistic about something then why not put your money where your mouth is and make it better. I have yet to see it. Please, if you can come coach the 27 points of performance on the squat better than me I’ll let you teach the next class…and that is only 1 of our movements. Let’s talk energy systems, nutrition, work capacity…the list is long but distinguished. The problem with the ones who ridicule it is that they are ignorant. A little bit of education goes a long way. I’m not intending to sound rude or uncaring, just answering honestly. If it offends you I am sure you can download an app that will direct you to the nearest safe place. Bottom line is, I know what we are doing is right. We’re making people better.
Drink water. Twenty ounces of Gatorade contains 34 grams of sugar. This is added sugar. We know that there are naturally occurring sugars and added sugars. Most sports drinks are made with high fructose corn syrup and while a concentrated amount of fructose, in the form of high fructose corn syrup, will replenish glycogen in the liver, we only need a small amount and it won’t do crap for your muscles.
Names for added sugars on labels include:
• Brown sugar
• Corn sweetener
• Corn syrup
• Fruit juice concentrates
• High-fructose corn syrup
• Honey
• Invert sugar
• Malt sugar
• Molasses
• Raw sugar
• Sugar
• Sugar molecules ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose)
• Syrup
Also, Gatorade paid the ACSM thousands of dollars to create fraudulent hydration guidelines which caused thousands of injuries. This left hydration science in disarray. It was fundamentally unrecognizable in science to the medical community (honest doctors). Electrolytes can be replenished through good nutrition. If you don’t like the taste of water then you need to grow up.
I chose this question because I thought it was a good opportunity to talk not only about CrossFit, but any endeavor in life you take to better yourself whether it be CrossFit, running, bodybuilding, power lifting or something outside of the gym walls. Be consistent and don’t be afraid to fail. At one point you made the decision to get better and all too often we see that once the journey begins to get hard we easily give up. The same can be said for failing. If everything we attempted in our lives came without failure then we would all be living in a physical, mental, spiritual and financial utopia. I never have understood people who give up so easily and probably never will. I start every one of our Foundations classes by telling them that it is a long slow road to become healthier and as long as they show up consistently and put in the work then they will progress. The back of our Box t-shirts read, “Have The Talent To Not Quit.” Two years before I opened up CrossFit Cathal I was working at a job that I thought would be the start of a long successful career in the military. The chance arrived for me to advance to a position that would further affirm this. I did everything in my power to prepare for this position and set myself up for success. I walked out of a 2 ½ hour grueling interview confident, knowing that there was nothing more I could have done to better prepare myself. Two days before Christmas of that year I received the news that I was not selected for the position. Was I upset? Hell yea I was, but I knew that the best person was selected for the job. I sent a text message to the individual selected for the position and congratulated him. Next, I made a phone call to my dad and discussed it with him. I told him I had a secondary course of action in mind. I wanted to open up a CrossFit affiliate in Paragould. I had done my research and set everything up to move forward with it. I received a lot of criticism for the idea from others. As I was calling around about commercial spaces to rent I had one property owner tell me that something like CrossFit would never work in Paragould. I had a bank deny me a small loan for the same reason. I began to doubt myself and started looking to other options for possible jobs. I had another good talk with my dad and he said one thing that hit home. It stuck with me so well that I wrote it down on a small piece of paper and stuck it in the visor of my truck where it still sits today. “You’re a Vest. Our blood does not retreat. It attacks.” Hell, it’s even tattooed on my ribcage now. The months leading up to me opening CrossFit Cathal I was drawing unemployment, had applied for 33 jobs, interviewed with 8 businesses and even cancelled my cable TV to save me a few bucks each month. I took the plunge. I went back home and took out a small personal loan…smaller than most people take out to buy a new car. Since opening CFC we have expanded 3 times and are currently in the process of planning our next move. I say all of that to say this. What would have happened if I had given up after I failed to get the job I prepared so hard for or if I had given up after I was denied a small loan or taken the advice of some guy who told me CrossFit won’t make it in Paragould? I still laugh when I think back to one interview I had with a gentleman hiring for a knockoff Xerox company. Our interview took place at Panera Bread Company. I had dressed in a button down shirt, nice jeans and dress shoes. He made the statement to me, following the interview, that I may want to think about wearing something nicer the next time I go for an interview. As I sit here and type this in my casual business attire of gym shorts, t-shirt and comfortable Vans on my feet I wonder how he’s enjoying delivering paper and ink cartridges in his 3 piece suit.
If you want a change, make a plan, dive in, be consistent and accept failure because it will happen.
This one is easy. John Welbourn and the Crew from Power Athlete. Heavy back SQUATS.
Recovery and rest. I could have answered this one on the first question, but we will cover it here. Recovery is important. Recovery ranges from fueling your body properly with good food to post training cool down (static stretching). How often do we hammer through a tough training session then rush out of the gym without going through a cool down progression. Stretching and cooling down for just 5 minutes will jump start recovery and help return the body to its pre-workout state (homeostasis). During a workout your body goes through a number of stressful processes; muscle fibers, tendons and ligaments get damaged, and waste products build up within your body. The cool-down, performed properly, will assist your body in its repair process. This will also help reduce post workout soreness and increase flexibility, one of the 10 recognized general physical skills. A proper cool down is a good way to set yourself up for the next training day. Rest. Don't skip rest days and by rest I do not mean active rest. If your body feels beat up from a few days of hard training then let it rest and recover for a day. Sometimes that is hard to do because we take a look at the next days workout and get overly excited about how well we are going to do on it, but if you don't allow your body time to rest and recover then the desired results may take longer to achieve or worse, it could lead to injury.